David Canter Memorial Fund - Grants for Crafts

February 2024


Applications now open

The David Canter Memorial Fund offers awards to give financial assistance to those working in craft. The fund is open to those who have finished their formal training and are working full-time or part-time but need money for specific projects, e.g., setting up a workshop, buying equipment, educational work, or for research and travel. Awards made are usually up to a maximum of £500 and are made every other year, each time focusing on different craft disciplines.
In 2024, working with our Green Maker Initiative, the fund will support makers in reducing their environmental impact within their craft practice.

Who can apply?

Awards are available to those who have finished their formal training and are working full or part-time anywhere within the UK but need money for special projects such as setting up a workshop, buying materials and equipment, or for research and travel.
Applications to support work with community groups is not the focus of this fund. Grants are not available to students.
Awards are not usually made to cover the cost of buying consumables i.e. raw materials

How to apply

Apply online using this form: https://form.jotform.com/220112282817346

Application deadline: Friday 15 March 2024, 5pm

The Selection Panel is looking for the potential difference an award could make to an applicant’s work, bringing long-term benefits to their careers as a maker, as well as any wider implications this might have in the field in which they work.

Successful applicants will be informed in April and funds are usually distributed on receipt of invoices.

Please note that awards from the fund are entirely at the discretion of the Trustees, and that no correspondence can be entered into.


About the Fund

The establishment of the fund in 1988 was made possible by generous support from David Canter’s friends and colleagues, wishing to show their appreciation of his great contribution to the Crafts, following the initial proposal and funding from the Craft Potters Association 1984. The fund also acknowledges with thanks the help and support of MAKE Southwest.

David Canter’s love and enthusiasm for the Arts and Crafts was a deep inspiration to all who knew him. His vision of the highest aesthetic standards uncompromised by commercial considerations was expressed in his creation of Cranks restaurants, which he founded and designed, and Craftwork shops in which he brought together an unrivalled collection of crafts from all over Britain.

David was Honorary Secretary of the Craft Potters Association for over 20 years, and during this time he pioneered the setting up of the Association’s first retail outlet in London. In his work as Chairman of the Crafts Council Grants Committee, and co-founder of the Dartington Pottery Training Workshop, he showed his commitment to helping and advising young craftspersons.


Ceramic Moon Gazing Hare


Cardboard Sculpture for Children