Bob Budd



Ash triptych

The title being made up of two words: Spoons and Branches.

Are they wooden spoons? Not quite, as they are still very much branches of a tree. A `spoon in becoming’ would be a better description if it weren’t for the fact that if one were to cut off the bowl and handle, they would return to being branches. The Spoonches alludes to their original `environment’ – a tree, somewhere, weathered, organic and growing as branches are want to do, namely not in a straight line, because, I guess, the branch never imagines it will become a spoon nor has the intention of ever becoming one.

However, once it has arrived, the spoons contain the memory of what they had once been. The Spoonches retain and reflect the rough and ready attributes of the tree - knots, organic marking, irregularities and all.

Materials and processes

Wood: Ash - The shapes cut by handsaw, sanded by angle grinder and finished by hand.
All three pieces were collected after a tree had been felled locally – the lengths of the branch parts are as I found them.


Anne Smyth


Celia Lister