Deborah Treliving


Deborah Treliving | Printmaking | Devon

Deborah Treliving uses a wide range of printmaking techniques innovatively, including monotype, intaglio, and relief printing, frequently incorporating many processes within one piece of work. Experimenting with materials and processes is at the heart of Deborah’s studio practice.

A passion for colour is evident throughout her work, and her palette ranges from the strong and vibrant, to the delicate and subtle.

Deborah lives in South Devon and is inspired by her surroundings in the English Riviera Geopark: the relationship of land, sea, and sky; the geology and history of landscape; the weather, the changing light, sun, and mists are constant influences.

Deborah studied Fine Art: painting and Printmaking at Bath Academy of Art, and taught drawing, and printmaking at South Devon College.

Her prints have been exhibited internationally, and won awards including the Selection Committee’s award for excellence in 2020.


Debby Mason


Emma Studd*