We are Commoners

Creative Acts of Commoning
September 18 - November 13

Net Project Procession, Claudia Rodríguez, Ana Joaquina Ramírez & Rosina Santana CastellónPhoto: Metzil Cerda

Net Project Procession, Claudia Rodríguez, Ana Joaquina Ramírez & Rosina Santana Castellón

Photo: Metzil Cerda

Breaking Borders (detail), Jacky Oliver Photo: Dewi Tannatt Lloyd

Breaking Borders (detail), Jacky Oliver Photo: Dewi Tannatt Lloyd

This exhibition invites you to become or recognise yourself as a ‘Commoner’.
Featuring UK and international artists, the projects exhibited here represent ideas and resources to inspire acts of commoning .
Including new work by artists: Amy Twigger Holroyd, Deirdre Nelson, Linda Brothwell, Blackwater Polytechnic: (a collaboration created by Ben Coode-Adams and Freddie Robins), Jacky Oliver, Common Agency Projects (Shane Waltener & Laura Glaser), Lise Bjørne Linnert with Gelawesh Waledkhani, Rachael Colley, Alinah Azadeh, Hefin Jones and Kate Hodgson.

A Craftspace national touring exhibition

"The commons means: Things we share/ Places we share/ Systems we share/ Ideas we share/ Culture we share." – Peter Barnes, On the Commons co-founder 

In this exhibition, craft skills and materials provide a means to common. The projects featured demonstrate the need to imagine a more collectively-made and owned future. The artists’ projects are represented across three themes: Claiming, Healing and Co-operating. They all suggest a shift in thinking from ‘you’re on your own’ to ‘we’re in this together.’ 

Event: Day of Commoning at MAKE Southwest

Please join us on Saturday the 13th November for a Day of Commoning, online at the Digital Craft Festival and in person at MAKE Southwest (formerly Devon Guild of Craftsmen). We’ll be exploring ideas around Fashion Commons and offering alternatives that avoid a wasteful throwaway culture. Valuing skills and creativity in maintenance, repair and re-use.

This time, We are Commoners artist, Amy Twigger Holroyd will be encouraging everyone to bring along their unwanted blue clothing to exchange or repair at the Blue Fashion Commons installation. Amy will also be taking part, online and person, in a panel discussion focussed on the idea of Fashion Commons, clothing as a shared community resource, follow the link from the Digital Craft Festival page to watch online at 1pm.

All events and activities are free but some require booking. Don’t forget to take a look at the other events and talks taking place at the Digital Craft Festival over the whole weekend.

The touring exhibition ‘We are Commoners’ is on show at MAKE Southwest until 13th November and then tours to The Civic in Barnsley, where it opens on the 5th February 2022.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Digital Craft Festival Instagram live with Sarah James

11am – 5.00pm In the Event Space – first floor
Marketplace of community organisations with some drop-in and make and take workshops including:
MEND Assembly https://www.mendassembly.com/
Precious Plastics https://www.facebook.com/Preciousplasticplymtavi/

11am – 5.00pm in Jubilee Gallery
Blue Fashion Commons

Bring your blue garments to exchange or repair at Amy Twigger Holroyd’s, ‘Temporary Outpost of the Blue Fashion Commons’.
Visitors are invited to use the resources provided for repair and take a garment without any monetary payment, experiment with folk motifs in chain stitch. Will people follow the rules of this miniature commons, enabling a successful clothes swap? Amy encourages us to think differently about our clothing as items that can be borrowed repeatedly, from a vast shared material resource. Skills and creativity in maintenance is valued and crucial to avoid a wasteful throwaway culture.

11am – 3.00pm In Jubilee Gallery         
Common Agency Projects – Commoning Action #14: How to stand your ground generously. Take part in this interactive exhibit.                         
“On so many levels, including personal and political…, nature and the environment are our remaining and shared common language” – Sean Swallow
Explore the idea of nature as a commons by performing #Commoning Action #14. Share your thoughts on how the performance made you feel.

11am – 5.00pm   In the Event Space – first floor                     
Screening of short films of acts of commoning, featuring exhibitors process, work and community responses.

1.00pm – 2.00pm In the Event Space – first floor               
Panel discussion: Fashion Commons: Clothing as a shared community resource. Featuring Amy Twigger Holroyd, Jane Deane and Joanie Willets.
Pre-recorded on Zoom, this panel discussion will be screened at MAKE Southwest but also live streamed on the Digital Craft Festival’s You Tube Channel. Find the link here on the day https://www.digitalcraftfestival.co.uk/
In-person screening. Bookable - free (limit 15). In the Event Space – first floor.
Book here for the screening.

3.30pm – 4.15pm  In the Jubilee Gallery             
Tour of We are Commoners exhibition guided by co-curator Emma Daker, Craftspace.  Bookable (limit 15).
Book exhibition tour here.


Linda Brothwell

Make something

Have a go at a making project and start commoning in your own life. Created by We are Commoners artists, these activities encourage us to develop their ideas for ourselves using objects, information and stories that we have already within our own homes, localities and communities.

Share your act of commoning by posting a picture of your project using #WeAreCommoners and tag us on instagramtwitter or facebook.

Celebrate the blue fashion commons with Amy Twigger Holroyd

Celebrate the blue fashion commons with Amy Twigger Holroyd

Map your local commons with Deirdre Nelson

Map your local commons with Deirdre Nelson

What space is precious to you? Activity designed by Alice McLean and Justine Boussard

What space is precious to you? Activity designed by Alice McLean and Justine Boussard

Make a necklace with dried avocado or fruit peel with Rachael Colley

Make a necklace with dried avocado or fruit peel with Rachael Colley


Room Settings

