Phil Underwood: The Digital Craftsman

21 May - 16 July 2022

The Digital Craftsman explores how modern 21st century artistic tools can be used to push the boundaries of traditional printmaking.

This work combines the crafts (and disciplines) of wood engraving and digital printmaking, allowing you to see how the skills of a printmaker and language of a graphic artist can work together to create new works and opportunities.

By exploring ways to capture the beauty and spirit of landscape and wildlife with two contrasting mediums, we can see how the character of each approach allows life to be brought into the work in different ways.

Often single design ideas have been explored through both disciplines. Small wood engravings help me to distil and create powerful images that can then be brought alive digitally with colour and scale to create fresh and exciting work.  The potential of digital printmaking has also been explored with panoramic landscapes.

You will also get a glimpse inside the studio and get an insight into the creatives process and the looping journeys that individual artworks often take.


Summer Show 2022


Skills for Life