Fabrizia Bazzo

Translating dreams into glass 

Maker Showcase
Saturday 3 July – Sunday 8 August 2021 

Going Round I by Fabrizia Bazzo

Going Round I by Fabrizia Bazzo

This small solo show in our Maker Showcase Gallery celebrates our Maker Member Fabrizia Bazzo, whose career has been characterised by architectural glass installations, mainly commissions for both public and private locations, and constant experimentation.

Of her work, Fabrizia says:

‘Translating dreams into glass has always been my way of entering a world of wonders and, more recently, a way to escape the reality of the times in which we are currently living.  

I have been playing with the qualities of this extraordinary medium for many years and the glass works I am showing here are just some examples of how I indulge in creating reality out of dreams. 

Realising an idea in glass often takes a long time and everything stems from experimentation in one way or another to transform what is in my mind. The evolution of an idea needs imagination supported by technical research for solutions to overcome practical and technical challenges as well as creating the actual work itself. In other words, to justify “why” and to find a solution for “how”.   

My works range from exhibition pieces to small and large scale architectural installations for private and public commissions. They usually combine a mix of techniques that I choose each time on the basis of how I see the work and the qualities that I want to achieve. Sometimes I learn new processes in order just to fulfil this aspect. Despite this, I consider processes merely as tools and a means to an end. 

The transition that occurs when I make something creates a space and an opportunity in which to grow – not just as a person but also, I hope, as a maker.’

For this show she will be showing her interactive piece Wind Map: 

‘Although a glass installation placed in an architectural space will naturally show a dynamic interaction as the ambient light changes, I wanted to push this attribute further with the overall objective of creating an installation that would react dynamically in some way with other changes in the environment. Thinking about how I could add this interactive element to my work, I started researching the feasibility of incorporating Thermochromic Liquid Crystals (TLCs) within the design of glass artworks that would change colour with minor changes to the ambient temperature during the day.’


If you want to find out more about Fabrizia does, please visit her website: www.fabriziabazzo.co.uk 


Film by Fabrizia Bazzo


Colour, Naturally


Spring Show