PULP Preview Evening & Letterpress Demonstration
for the opening of the PULP exhibition
Friday 19 January 2024, 6pm - 8pm
Venue: MAKE Southwest
You are invited to the preview evening of PULP, an international exhibition about paper in its widest uses.
Come and have a drink, celebrate and be inspired by the wonderful world of paper, as well as have a go at letterpress printing. Princetown Press will be demonstrating their traditional letterpress printing in the Jubilee Gallery, and you will have an opportunity to print a keepsake!
About Princetown Press
In the print studio, we do things the hard way. Nothing is efficient, nothing is mechanised, and nothing is speedy.
We use heritage craft techniques, hand-powered printing presses, and recycled papers to create printed ephemera that inspires and delights. Where possible, we use British-made materials, and tools.
We have four table-top Adana printing presses (where it all started), one standing platen press (a giant version of the table toppers, made in 1910), and a galley proofing press (perfect for making wood type posters).