Lauren Collier

Fragment II & III

Woodcut on black and Japanese Masa paper, 39 x 42cm framed


Lauren Collier is an artist based in Devon, working predominately across printmaking mediums encompassing new and traditional techniques. Lauren studied BA(Hons) Fine Art Printmaking at the University of Brighton before going on to complete MA Visual Arts Printmaking at Camberwell College of Arts, London, from 2018 – 2020 and is now based at the new Alma Yard Studios in Plymouth. 

Interested by the ways in which photography and the constructed image can alter our perception and relation to the materiality of place in an ever increasingly digital world, Lauren’s multidisciplinary approach of new and traditional techniques combines hand drawn imagery with photography and woodcut, developing an innovative hybrid process that explores the potentials of contemporary printmaking.  

Growing up in the South West, coastal landscape has been a consistent feature in her work. Using photographs taken from local beaches, Lauren fragments and deconstructs the images, tearing and crumpling into minute pieces before rephotographing with a macro lens, constructing seemingly new miniature worlds born from reality, questioning our reception of what we see. 
These images are taken into woodcut and traditionally printed onto Japanese paper, transforming into something between the physically material and the simulated. Playing with scale, surface and disruption it aims to provoke questions around fabrication and the authenticity of our consumption of media in the post-truth era. 

Previous exhibitions in the UK and internationally include the National Original Print Exhibition, Delphian Open Call, Neo; Proof Print/Exchange and the Haugesund International Festival of Relief Printing, Norway. 

Instagram: @laurencollierprint 


Laura Drayson


Lorna Yabsley