Sarah Hemmings-Vourda


Sarah Hemmings-Vourda | Jewellery | Devon

Sarah makes enamel and precious metal jewellery in her workshop in Torquay.

Most of her enamel work is torch-fired as she prefers the spontaneity that torch-firing allows. Creating a piece in enamel can make a passing thought or experience permanent, enamel doesn’t fade or degrade, and the rigours of enamelling and the delicious colours are a challenge that keep the process fascinating.

Her inspiration comes from nature and fairy tales and the effect of man on nature and nature on man.

She spent her childhood among the remains of abandoned mine workings, on edge of a forest in a north facing valley on Dartmoor which left a deep impression on her.

As well as making and selling jewellery, Sarah also teaches evening classes at South Devon College in Silversmithing and Enamelling.


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Sarah Vigars