Jane Witheridge


On hearing the First Cuckoo of Spring

An original, one-off silk painting. Framed in oak.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

An original, one-off silk painting . Framed in oak

Heart Overboard 2

Original, one-off silk painting. Framed in oak



Without deadlines, exhibitions or galleries I found it difficult to go into the studio and work. Even though I work alone a lot, I certainly don't work in a vacuum, and rely on customers to keep me going.

Self-employed people always seem to be pretty vulnerable to unforeseen events (Covid, financial crises, Brexit etc .) and after the financial crisis of 2008/9, I exchanged a house in town for a tiny place on its own land. A piece of mixed woodland and flower meadows, which I endeavour to run as a nature reserve.

In this setting 'lockdown' was lovely.

While working on the land, plenty of time was spent just standing and enjoying; the wild cherry blossom against a sk y free of airplane trails; the whispering of aspen leaves, audible in the quiet, without the perpetual grind of engine noise. There was a wonderful breathing space where all of nature seemed to sigh for a moment.

Being so immersed in nature opened my imag ination, and I hope this comes over in the new paintings. The falling cherry blossom, the cuckoo's call, the hum of insects and the magic, complicated relationships going on all around us.


Isabella Whitworth


Janet Wingate