Janet Wingate

Janet Wingate - Item 1 (4).JPG


24 different doorways worked using a mixture of hand stitching on cotton calico using cotton thread, and some paint. The individual embroideries are mounted on Indian rag paper.



During lockdown I found myself almost completely devoid of creativity. The more time I had the less I felt inclined to do. I had, coincidentally, just finished a major piece and only had one or two smaller projects on my mental 'to do' list and these didn’t really inspire me and could easily be shelved.

Lockdown also came just as the garden need lots of attention and as the weather was good and I love my garden I was outside most of the time.

I also missed the stimulus of meeting up with like -minded creative folk to talk, discuss and encourage. The phone is not the same and 'Zoom' is beyond me.

I am confident however that if we get another spell of 'Lockdown' in the winter I will fare better as I will not be so keen to be outside, and who knows what I will make!


Jane Witheridge


Jenny Amon