Susan Luker

Susan's bowls are hand built using slabs of clay, she uses the pots like a canvas to paint and draw on, this conveys her feelings of the beautiful Devon where she lives.

With this body of work Susan has looked closer at nature and been inspired by the lichens that grow in the woods near where she lives.

Susan paints clay slips, engobes and a variety of crawl glazes in multiple layers and firings.

Black and Blue Lichen bowl



Rocks on the beach



These pots are hand formed using slabs of grogged clay containing flax fibre. Painted with clay slips and vitreous slips, then biscuit fired. A clear glaze is applied and refired to stoneware temperatures. Three layers of thick lichen glaze is applied and re fired.

All glazes are created in my studio. A close look at nature has inspired me to create a lichen glaze.


Susan Kinley

