Kate Lyons-Miller

Ceramic works created using Dartmoor sourced materials, reflecting upon the colours and textures of the rock, and the lichens and fungi that grow on and around it. The weather and landscape may seem harsh at times, but life teems upon it and within it. The bowl form is a container for thoughts and ideas, this shape is taken from the silhouette of Ripon Tor, looked at daily from my windows, a constant, beautiful presence in strange times.

An artists book accompanies each work, an indicator of the research which informs the making, and an invitation for the viewer to explore…


Earthfast Dartmoor bowl, granite, lichen and fungi 2


Ceramic bowl with inclusions and additions of Dartmoor clays and minerals, slip from china clay regions, dark washes of manganese and haematite from the Bovey valley. Accompanied with the handmade artist book.


Earthfast Dartmoor bowl, granite, lichen and fungi 3


Ceramic bowl with additions and inclusions of Dartmoor clays and minerals, with a dry ash glaze incorporating gorse and bracken from swaling sites, (swaling is the practice of burning away the vegetation to allow new growth to flourish) Accompanied with the handmade artist book.


Julia Manning


Kevin Wright