Clare Murray

I remain fascinated by who and what we are, and what we aspire to be. For many of us the comfort of animals has become totemic - and particularly so in this most exceptional of years.

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Crowd of Dogs



Scarva smooth textured clay and locally dug clay (North Devon). Earthenware firing temperature.
Finishes: Metal oxides/underglaze colours/ transparent glaze/white tin glaze/Philip Eglin glaze
Techniques: coiling, slabs, pinching

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Breeze Block Man



Scarva Professional Earthstone clay and locally sourced clay (North Devon). Earthenware firing temperature.
Finishes: Metal oxides/underglaze colours/ transparent glaze/white tin glaze/Philip Eglin glaze/Cold Gold finish.
Techniques: rolling, pinching, coiling Breeze block and bonding material.


Chris Chapman


Debby Mason