Meet the Maker

Friday 21 February 2025, 10.30am - 2.30pm

FREE, drop-in

Venue: MAKE Southwest, Jubilee Gallery

Suitable for: All


Come and meet Making It exhibitor Jenny Gracie (Making Space To Make) who will be weaving a basket from willow in our Jubilee Gallery!  

Jenny first discovered willow growing in the garden of her new home in Devon 20 years ago and has been cultivating both her willow bed and knowledge of its uses ever since.

Combining a degree in Integrated Craft with professional basketry training has allowed her to celebrate the historical and traditional elements of basket making whilst exploring contemporary interpretations of basketry in her work.

Basket making has a long and fascinating history across cultures, meaning she is never short of inspiration. To add to that, the textures, and colours of the natural materials she uses offer endless opportunities to experiment and complement the willow with other materials such as bark, soft fibres, ceramics, and textiles.

Jenny describes basketmaking today as an opportunity to connect with these time-honoured craft skills and allow them to remind us of a sustainable and beautiful way of working seasonally with natural and native materials.

In addition to making work for exhibitions, shops, and individuals, Jenny teaches basketry skills. In sharing these skills, she aims to preserve the craft and continue to create valued spaces where people can experience the joy of making by hand.



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