Materials Matter

Presenting Design-Nation Devon and Cornwall

Abigail Brown - see an article about her here from the Goldsmith’s Company.

Riverside Gallery

4 December 2021 – 13 March 2022

Design-Nation is the leading portfolio for craft, design and product in the UK. It supports authentic, exceptional craftsmanship and design ability nationwide

Formed in June 2020, the Cornwall and Devon Cluster is part of a new initiative by Design-Nation to foster links between its members within regions, this was particularly precious during the pandemic when creative endeavour was made in isolation.

In a world of global uniformity and over consumption, we present a unique collection of work in praise of slow making, heritage skills, and creative re-use of discarded objects.

A film about Abigail Brown’s ‘Lichen’ pieces.


The Decline of Eels


MAKE 2021