Alexandra Holmes


Alexandra Holmes is a  jewellery designer, creator and multimedia artist who also experiments with hot glass, both blowing and casting, as a means to challenge viewers to question power structures and gender roles. She creates conceptual pieces, displacing body parts to highlight values and opinions we hold about our form, our perceptions of self, and at what point the body becomes an object. Her practice is process led, balancing both technique and theory, which informs the outcome and occasionally alters the concept of my projects. 

She believes crossing the boundaries between contemporary and traditional craft can open artists to a realm of possibilities. She has incorporated the use of 3D printed forms alongside carved or cast versions. By combining new technology and traditional mediums she aims to create work that pushes the boundaries of ‘craft’.  

Her recent work focuses on the female body as a taboo, using the ‘Free the Nipple’ movement she highlights the unsolicited sexualisation of women. She has cast nipple buttons which objectify the body by giving it a purpose. She observes the contrasting worship and degradation of the female body throughout history and how this is still present today. 

Instagram: alexandra.phoenix


Abeer Kayani


Alison Brown