Charlotte Duckworth


Charlotte Duckworth | Silversmithing | Bristol

The Silver Duck was founded in 2012 by Bristol based award-winning silversmith Charlotte Anne Duckworth. Designing and making silverware and jewellery. Crafting beautiful utensils and tableware from sterling silver and English holly wood, Charlotte creates exquisite yet functional pieces of art for the kitchen. The Silver Duck creates an elegantly designed and handmade jewellery range.

Charlotte’s ethos revolves around simple, elegant designs that are ergonomic and tactile. With the intention of provoking people to appreciate their food and take time over their daily routines and rituals in the kitchen. Using traditional techniques of forging and raising, Charlotte has an inherent understanding of the materials that she works with, creating magical pieces that preserve and capture their natural qualities.

Charlotte hosts workshops for the public, teaching a range of jewellery and silversmithing techniques, in either one to one or group sessions. Immersing herself in the creative process from beginning to end, the journey of each piece often begins with Charlotte jumping through hedgerows and stomping around woods, gathering and foraging for branches that may inspire her designs.


Cathy Newell Price


Charlotte Eatock*