Bridget Macklin

Image: Robin Shelton Photography

Bridget Macklin | Ceramics | Cornwall

Bridget is a ceramic artist. Her work demonstrates her deep desire for her art to tell an unambiguous story about our landscape and the way that we relate to it: the reckless behaviours of man during the geological epoch now known as the Anthropocene.

Bridget makes unique, fragile pieces, each beginning with pure porcelain with connotations of beauty, value and fragility.

She delights in experimenting and in taking risks, repeatedly refining a piece, striving for thinner, more lustrous work which only reveals its full nature on closer inspection. 

The work is high fired to bring out the translucent nature of the porcelain and to flux or burn any inclusions. This causes tension within the piece which results in craters, blisters, exploded splinters of rock with the impact showing on the surface as cracks radiating out from the point of tension.


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