Claire Murray


My clay figures are based on an exploration and understanding of ‘communication and of the human condition’.  This theme is explored by focusing on the signs and symbols which we frequently use to adorn our bodies, and by which we seek to communicate to (and sometimes hide from) others.

An Old Crown

A Dog on my Head

My Dog

The Dog Shrine




At the start of the pandemic lockdown, I did experience a ‘kind of suspension’ of my creative energies. Feeling restless, I found it difficult to stay in my studio and work. However, because of the glorious weather in North Devon this spring, I was fortunate in being able to walk for hours in our local woods and country lanes. During my travels, I discovered several sources of local clay both from my neighbouring woods and from Meeth Quarry Nature Reserve. Digging up small samples, I processed and cleaned them to produce several balls of two distinct types of clay. From our pine woods came clay of a deep terracotta while Meeth produced a creamy white product. I would not norma lly have had time for such activities.

I am presently making a shrine to dogs. These animals comforted many people isolated during the long days of lockdown. At the moment, I will continue to explore this theme of dogs in my work, looking at their multipl e meanings for human beings.

Living in a very rural area means that social contact with other makers is limited. Recently, I have relied more on social media for ideas and stimulation especially Instagram and Pinterest


Claire Armitage


Deborah Baker