Judith Woodings


The Birch Grove I & II

Mokulito, woodcut and monoprints on Japanese paper.



Disbelief at the situation we found ourselves in affected us all in different ways. My own reaction was to work in my studio with a rigorous time structure, shielding myself from the disease and its impact. I live in a quiet village and the changes I began to notice were subtle: gradually the skies became quieter and brighter and bird song heard with even more clarity but the absence of people was surreal. Gradually I began to stand back from t he rather pressured pace I had set for myself and became more reflective. My immediate world had shrunk and I noticed the minutiae around me.

This immersion in the world around me awakened feelings of oneness that are tinged with a sense of loss.

I gardened more, painted my close surroundings and gradually I began to put these ideas into my art practice.


Jill Fanshawe Kato


Julia Manning