Penny Carter


These are part of my series called Blooming glass. I started working on them following a trip to Barcelona visiting the Mossèn Costa i Llobera a wonderful monumental cactus garden. Enjoying the Gaudi architecture and colours. Materials: Large lamp-worked glass beads, marine grade stainless steel. The lampworked beads are made hot using a small bead making torch, layering glass colours and applying relief.

Tall curved glass garden pieces. Lampworked glass leaf beads and marine grade stainless steel.



As lockdown progressed it became apparent that all planned exhibitions and craft fairs were being postponed one by one. Delving into the unknown - Was I relieved or worried? Not really sure…

It was an opportunity to make just for me. I had time.

These pieces became Jewellery for the garden. Tall, fantasy Blooming Glass garden plants. Made with a torch, lampworking, pushing the time spent on each piece without it cracking to its limit… or my limit.

I’m holding this thought, threading large lampworked beads onto steel rods, rather like a garden necklace. Cactus, columns, Gaudi, hot, colour.

Setting aside worries, lockdown restrictions have been rewarding.

Time is a precious gift.


Paul Warner


Penny Simpson